Our focus is to contribute meaningfully to the areas of pediatric and adult research across individuals with a variety of diagnosis. We have partnered with individuals from wide academic fields and with diverse backgrounds from across the world to help us meet this goal. Initially we plan to focus on research of those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injuries and Developmental Delay. As we grow, learn, and add additional expertise to our organization, we expect to continue to refine our questions and increase our ability to provide consequential data.
In our desire to always be changing and to do better work, we developed Crowd Inc. as a research hub that utilizes University of North Carolina, Charlotte’s expertise in conjunction with Compleat Kidz’(Kare Partners) access to ongoing treatment to further a better understanding of what is most effective in the field. Data collected at Compleat Kidz sites will be used by UNCC to evaluate outcomes across chosen research areas to influence the ability of clinicians to provide the best care possible.
This will be accomplished by taking data gathered across treatment sites and varying staff and using it to evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of treatment modalities. Along the way, we expect to discover new lines of treatment through ongoing research as we learn and evolve in what we already know. Across time we will be able to ask better questions that lead us to more meaningful outcomes.
We have gathered a group of individuals from related fields and from countries across the world to contribute by asking pertinent questions that are culturally appropriate to the largest group of individuals possible. It is exciting and crucial that we have access to such a diverse group, as it will ensure that all questions asked are relevant to groups around the world.
All research will be submitted for publication and accessible to practitioners globally. We genuinely want this to be a place for researchers and clinical technicians to collaborate and in result, provide better services and better outcomes by being able to contribute themselves.
The Crowd, Inc. was founded in 2009. It was originally formed to perform research for the nursing industry. Later, in 2017, it was also used to help secure funds for families that could not afford much needed health care in India.
Since then, The Crowd has recently been transformed to a data gathering site for the fields of Applied Behavior Analysis and Developmental Delay (Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapies).
We are working to help kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and to change the future of autism through research.
Research is the key to proper diagnosis, early intervention and groundbreaking discoveries for children with autism.
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